Ballons Bg

Services that give SMBs a leg up

Your software is lazy and doing the bare minimum

You have every right to expect more from your business applications. And with Microsoft’s low-code development tools, you can.

Ballons Bg
Mobile Img

Do more business

where you’re already doing it

Let’s give your business-critical software the features you actually need. In a matter of days.

Without overhauling your tech stack.

Mobile Img
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    APIs, integrations, and automations

    Connect your applications like a boss, but better

    You could be getting more utility out of the SaaS products and internal applications you’re already using. With secure, reliable integrations.
    Let’s bring your apps into harmony. With each other and with your business objectives.

    Why should I care?

    • Achieve better data consistency, minimize discrepancies
    • Create automated processes involving multiple applications
    • Reduce manual tasks and reduce error
    • Get more mileage out of your software and avoid buying more tools
    • Practice better security by relying on Microsoft’s secure connectors
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    Reporting on steroids

    Spit out reports that drive revenue

    When set up right, reporting puts actionable information into the right hands.
    With Power BI, we can configure your reporting system with your end users in mind.
    Your employees will serve your customers faster, better cater to their needs, and sell even more of your product or service.

    Why should I care?

    • Shrink the time between insight and action
    • Make business decisions based on evidence, not speculation
    • Boost accountability across your entire organization
    • Minimize error in standard operating procedures
    • Drive repeat business with existing customers by anticipating their needs
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    Visualize your KPIs and analytics

    Display data your teams can understand—and use right away

    Your teams need instant access to laser-sharp insights. But so many tools are hard to set up and use.
    Power BI, Azure Data Explorer, and other building blocks in Microsoft allow us to visualize your data clearly and accurately. No matter what use case or team you have in mind.

    Why should I care?

    • Arm the right teams with the right insights, in a self-serve fashion
    • Display data you can actually act on
    • Eliminate guessing and speculation
    • Establish a single source of truth
    • Track what’s important
    • Visualization: If they can see it, they will solve it
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    Low code with high ROI

    Get custom capabilities without investing in custom software

    Every good business has an X-factor. And chances are your current off-the-shelf software wasn’t built for it.
    Using Microsoft’s low-code cloud tools, we can build capabilities you actually care about.
    Think of it like a reno that makes your house more functional for the way you like to live.

    Why should I care?

    • Amplify your differentiated value
    • Get more done without adding more tools to your stack
    • Reach utility potential with software you’re already paying for
    • Make your apps bend to your business needs
    • Test new functionalities quickly and reliably
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    Process automation

    Turn workflows into wow-flows

    Workflows are like the vascular system of your organization. You don’t want them to be clogged.
    We can create any type of workflow you need. Schedule-based, approval-based. Across multiple environments and applications.

    Why should I care?

    • Minimize margin of error
    • Establish consistency
    • Move faster, move together as a team
    • Free up resources for innovation and strategy
    • Onboard new employees more quickly

Our goal is to have you say:

“I wonder how I ever did business without it”

Together let’s build “that thing” that
helps you do “your thing” better.